It's time to be inspired.

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Join us on February 2 - 4, 2021 for the first ever integrated Transformative Aeronautics Concepts Program (TACP) Showcase. This virtual event will provide the aerospace community an opportunity to experience NASA’s TACP including the University Innovation, Convergent Aeronautics Solutions, and the Transformational Tools and Technologies Projects. The overarching goal for TACP Showcase is not only to highlight technical contributions to the aeronautics community, but also will have a strong focus on the importance of partnerships, collaboration and networking across the known and unknown aeronautics community. Although NASA does its due diligence in networking and setting high goals for aviation outcomes, it is a community effort that is required to enable these technology advancements to come to fruition.


The goal of the TACP Showcase is to explore new collaborative efforts, transfer knowledge, transition opportunities, and inspire future innovative solutions within the broader aeronautics’ community.

Live Q&A sessions and panel discussions will dive into new developments, and focus on: innovation and strategy, drawing on resources from traditional and emerging aviation industries, Venture Capital, and non-traditional industries in convergent technology areas. In addition, a special topic area will be announced during registration to strengthen innovation diversity throughout the event.

We hope to see you there, virtually.

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