Air Traffic Tower Placeholder Image

Extensible Traffic Management

Exploring the application of NASA’s UTM framework to manage vehicles and mission that are integrated with conventional air traffic management

Our Goal

New vehicles and missions are being introduced to the airspace and the NAS needs to continue to enable scalable, safe, and efficient operations that seamlessly co-exist with current aircraft while minimizing the burden to the existing ATM system. NASA’s successful UTM project showed there is a way to achieve this goal. Extensible Traffic Management, or xTM, will explore how to expand the UTM framework to manage new vehicles and missions that are integrated with current aircraft.


The benefits of an airspace system transformation via new concepts and technologies include:

  • Catalyze the transformation of the NAS
  • Concept and technology development showing how an xTM management framework can work seamlessly with current ATM to accelerate the introduction of new and novel aircraft
  • A community informed concept of operations for safe and efficient access to upper Class E airspace
